SAON is seeking nominations for the co-chair positions of SAON CON (Committee on Observations and  Networks). The positions are dynamic, as engagement is required at the international level, participating in forums, networking with multi-sector organizations and events (e.g., Arctic Science Summit Week (ASSW) and Arctic Observing Summit (AOS)). Together the co-chairs provide leadership for a team of national, organizational and Arctic indigenous representatives on observation networks. Due to the highly interactive nature of the positions, SAON CON is seeking motivated individuals with interests in working at an international level, across sectors and organizations to support SAON goals on observing networks.

Positions will be held as two-year term appointments responsible for chairing the SAON CON. The SAON CON is a group made up of national representatives (appointed to reflect national arctic observational interests that connects with national networks) as well as organizations with Arctic observational roles (e.g. WMO) that have teleconferences bi-monthly (or as required). Positions work closely with the SAON Secretariat, reports to the SAON Board, will be part of the SAON Executive and participate in the associated monthly teleconferences of these groups. Through the SAON CON team and in partnership with the SAON Secretariat, the co-chairs are leads in facilitating means to support SAON CON workplans that respond to goals identified in SAON implementation plan.

There is requirement for engagement with other international organizations such as AOS and Arctic Council Working Groups, to foster and bolster existing partnerships towards SAON and SAON CON goals. Direction and priorities on activities to support goals are developed by the CON and SAON board, where the chair provides leadership on connecting teams to facilitate actions.

The co-chairs set the agenda for the bi-monthly CON meetings and supports objective and workplans directed by the SAON implementation plans. The co-chairs facilitate activities with the SAON community including supporting the ROADS process, and partnering on initiatives with the sister committee, the Arctic Data Committee (ADC). Due to the high level of engagement required, the positions are supported to travel and participate at the ASSW as well as the AOS.

We invite nominations from national representatives, organisation representatives, Arctic Council Permanent Participants and other Arctic indigenous representatives. We also encourage individuals from the early career sector who may benefit from opportunities of networking and expanding their professional interactions and opportunities. Compensation can be provided for individuals whose organizations may not have funding capacity to cover time dedicated.

Applicants should send their cv to by 1st September 2021.

For more information, contact SAON CON Chair Lisa Loseto ( or SAON Secretary Jan Rene Larsen (


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