There are a number of SAON related activities at IPY 2012, Montreal. This include

SAON Town Hall meeting

The SAON char (Tom Armstrong), the SAON vice-chair (David Hik), and members of the Board will be present
Time and venue: Tuesday 24 April, 17:00 - 18:00, room 511A

SAON Presentation: "Implementing the Sustaining Arctic Observing Networks (SAON) Initiative"

In this presentation, the SAON vice-chair (David Hik) et al will describe the process undertaken so far and next steps required to fully implement SAON.
Time and venue: Wednesday 25 April, 10:00-10:30, room 520 BC


Presentations related to SAON Tasks

Several SAON tasks and networks have presentations at IPY. This include:

Session: 1.3.2 Polar Marine Ecosystems (Arctic Marine Ecosystem Dynamics)
Title: Impact of Climate Change on a Deep-sea Arctic Ecosystem - The Case of HAUSGARTEN Observatory in the Eastern Fram Strait
Time and venue: Tuesday 24 April ,11:15 - 11:30, Room 519AB

Session: 2.3.5 Impacts of Change and Development on Biodoversity and Polar Ecosystem Services
Title: Circumpolar Biodiversity Monitoring Program (CBMP) - Marine Plan Integrated Monitoring to Strengthen Decision-Making
Time and venue: Tuesday 24 April, 10:30-10:45, Room 520D

Session: 2.5.4 Accessing, Sharing and Preserving Data as a Legacy of IPY
Title: A Conceptual Framework for Managing Very Diverse Data for Complex, Interdisciplinary Science. Lessons from the IPY.
Time and venue: Tuesday 24 April, 10:00-10:15, Room 524C

Session: 2.5.4 Accessing, Sharing and Preserving Data as a Legacy of IPY
Title: The Exchange for Local Observations and Knowledge of the Arctic: Technical Approaches for Indigenous Knowledge Documentation
Time and venue: Tuesday 24 April, 14:45-15:00, Room 520A

Session: 2.5.4 Accessing, Sharing and Preserving Data as a Legacy of IPY
Title: Development of a New Polar Metadata Profile
Time and venue: Tuesday 24 April, 15:30-15:45, Room 524C

Session: 2.5.4 Accessing, Sharing and Preserving Data as a Legacy of IPY
Title: Coordinating for Arctic Conservation: CBMP's Distributed Biodiversity Monitoring Data Network
Time and venue: Tuesday 24 April, 15:45-16:00, Room 524C

Session: 1.4.2 Human Health and Well-being, including Food Security (Circumpolar Surveillance)
Title: The Circumpolar Health Observatory (CircHOB), an International Collaborative Health Information System (K. Young1, S. Chatwood)
Time and venue: Wednesday 25 April, 14:45-16:00, Room 520EF

Session: 1.5.2 Polar Observing Systems and Remote Sensing
Title: Towards an International, Integrated Observing Network to Track, Understand and Respond to Arctic Change: The Arctic Observing Summit
Time and venue: Wednesday 25 April, 14:45-15:00, Room 520BC

Session: 1.5.2 Polar Observing Systems and Remote Sensing
Title: Terrestrial Expert Monitoring Group: Developing a plan for the Circumpolar Arctic
Time and venue: Wednesday 25 April, 15:45-16:00, Room 520BC

Session: 3.1.5 Information to Support Decision-Making
Title: Coordinating for Arctic Conservation: Implementing Integrated Arctic Biodiversity Monitoring, Data Management and Reporting
Time and venue: Thursday 25 April, 14:15-14:30, Room 514AB

Session: 3.1.6 Knowledge to Action: Achievements, Challenges and Ways Forward
Title: Arctic Collaborative Environment (ACE): A New Multinational Collaboration for Awareness, Research, and Operational Decision
Time and venue: Friday 26 April, Room 513EF

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