A workshop to begin to design an Arctic Data Coordination Network will be held at IPY 2012, Montreal, Friday 27 April, 1:30-17:00, Room 512G
The purpose of this workshop is to develop a strategy and proposed structure for an Arctic Data Coordination Network (ADCN) under the auspices of SAON, IASC, and the Arctic Council. One outcome should be a plan for submitting a proposal to the US National Science Foundation for a Research Coordination Network to make this all possible. The idea is to use the conference to define and explore the problem and then use this workshop to define practical ways to move forward. A short report will be prepared and submitted to the SAON Board, IASC, and the AC.
The workshop is open to anyone, but we particularly invite:
- SAON Board members and representatives
- SAON Task Leaders
- IPY National Data Coordinators
- Permanent Participant representatives
- World Data System representatives
- Data coordinators/managers for Arctic data systems
- Agency sponsor representatives
RSVP to Jan René Larsen: jan(at)jrl.dk
The organizing committee will work through the week of the conference to refine the agenda, but the basic approach is as follows.
- Brief introduction and background including an overview of NSF Research Coordination Network requirements (see http://www.nsf.gov/funding/pgm_summ.jsp?pims_id=11691)
- Discuss (perhaps in breakout groups) how to implement the specific recommendations that emerged from the Action Forum on data and the final Action Forum “Bringing it all together”.
- Identify important themes, objectives, and funding opportunities in different countries, and then try and form collaborative groups to address those themes.
- Final wrap up and review of actions and way forward.
Organizers: David Carlson, Taco de Bruin, Julie E. Friddell, Jim Gamble, Shari Gearheard, Øystein Godøy, David Hik, Eva Kruemmel, Jan Rene Larsen, Ellsworth LeDrew, Mark Parsons, Peter L. Pulsifer, Scott Tomlinson, Warwick F. Vincent