Agenda item

Document no

Document Title

Document author



Draft agenda, version 9th August




 GoToMeeting dial-in



   Board meeting 15th July 2020. Draft minutes version 12th August 2020  
 3a  (link)

 Polar to Global Online Interoperability and Data Sharing Workshop/Hackathon: 2nd September 2020

 4a  03

 ASM3: New Project Deliverable / The ROADS process / Version 31st July 2020



 The project Supporting the implementation of GEOSS in the Arctic in collaboration with Copernicus: Consortia summaries  
 0  01

 The project Supporting the implementation of GEOSS in the Arctic in collaboration with Copernicus: Task Description. Task 1 Draft version 28JUL2020

 0  02

 The project Supporting the implementation of GEOSS in the Arctic in collaboration with Copernicus: Task Description. Task 2 Draft version 28JUL2020

 6  (link)

 Arctic Circle 2020 Assembly. October 8–11, 2020 in Reykjavík, Iceland

 6  (link)

 1st AASCO Meeting, Monaco, 2-3 November 2020

 6  (link)

 3rd Arctic Science Ministerial, Co-hosted by Iceland and Japan, NEW DATE: 08-09 May 2021, Tokyo, Japan

 6  (link)

 Arctic Circle Japan (postponed)

 6  (link)

 EO for Polar Science workshop will be held online. 28 / 30 October 2020



 Arctic Circle Berlin Forum (postponed)  


 ASSW 2021 20-26 March, Lisboa, Portugal  
 6  (link)

 International Congress of Arctic Social Sciences (ICASS X): 15-19 June 2021, Arkhangelsk, Russia


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